Top 5 Tips To Make Your CV Shine

Drafting a CV that shines is a daunting task. An excellent CV succinctly sells your suitability for a vacancy within limited space. A great CV is marked by critical areas picked out and emphasized. Can your current CV help you land a dream job in today’s highly competitive market? The following are the top five tips that will make your CV shine and improve your job-hunting success:

  1. Strike a balance between skills and character

Blending your skills and character in your CV will ensure that you catch the interest of your potential employer. When including your skills, ensure that you include specifics. Overgeneralization of your skillsets is a turn off for many employers. Be bold and introspective, and avoid vague statements about your skills. Include actual projects and scenarios where your character was self-evident. Your potential employees can readily identify the traits you possess by going through your academic and professional history and other personal achievements. Strike a healthy balance between skills and character when drafting your CV. Ensure each of these key elements are aligned to the position and organization you are targeting.

2. Focus on relevant details first

A CV is a perfect opportunity to advertise your skills, experience, and academic background. While drafting a CV, always keep in mind that your sole objective is to stand out and impress your potential recruiters. Avoid the temptation to include too much personal and irrelevant information. Rearrange the information to suit your audience. Knowing who you are communicating with is critical in aligning the goals, ambitions, and skills as you craft your CV.

3. Using the right format and presentation counts

Make a conscious decision to impress your reader by intentionally paying greater attention to the format and presentation of your CV. For your CV to outshine others, always stick to a formal format. A well-crafted CV should have sub-sections that highlight important details about your suitability for the job. While IT-related jobs, such as graphic design, may require that you showcase your skills while writing your CV, simplicity, and tidiness always carry the day. When presenting your CV through delivery, use a large envelope. Avoid folding your CV, credentials, and testimonials.     

4. Make your CV concise and consistent    

Catch the eye of the recruiters by creatively using keywords. Opt for active verbs, phrases, and bullet points whenever necessary during your drafting. Use fonts and styles that are reflective of your profession throughout your CV. Keep your CV short, sweet, and interesting.    

5. Always proofread your document several times

Writing tasks are prone to simple grammar and spelling mistakes. Failing to correct such seemingly simple mistakes eats into your character and skills highlighted in the CV. Proofread your CV at least three times and, if possible, ask for a second set of eyes.

Securing your dream depends on how well you advertise your suitability: skills, expertise, and experience. Take your time to write an eye-catching CV. In case you need professional help with your CV, ask for help here.